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Our Core Values

We are committed to core values that are essential to achieving the company’s mission and vital to delivering on its value proposition:

Integrity – Honesty, trust and adherence to strong ethical standards are at the heart of everything we do. We conduct ourselves in the highest ethical manner, ensuring that our behaviour in all matters is above reproach. We strive to maintain relationships with customers, associates, and partners that are sincere, honest and transparent.  While our business is highly competitive and we must aggressively seek to maintain and grow our relationships, we will compete fairly and respectfully in the markets we serve.  In doing so, we respect the importance of individual privacy and the safekeeping of clients’ confidential information.

Knowledge – We believe that knowledge is the way to prosper. We strive to create a life-long learning environment among ourselves so that to achieve the highest quality service to our clients. Therefore, we foster and stimulate any efforts that will elevate ourselves to a higher professional level.

Human Capital – At VHM Capital, our approach to attracting, retaining, and valuing our associates reaches beyond the traditional construct of diversity and inclusion to the concept of Human Equity. Human Equity commits us to an appreciation of the unique characteristics and strengths that each of our associates brings to the business, in order to strengthen our organization and enhance the value and service we provide to our stakeholders.  The awareness and welcoming of unique perspectives, experiences, knowledge and skills help us foster an environment of inclusion, where our differences are respected and appreciated, in order to maximize each associate’s engagement and performance.

Personal and Professional Development and Excellence – We believe in professional development and personal growth. Every director and associate is critical to the success of our organization and is committed to the highest level of professional and personal performance.  We expect each to take responsibility for their decisions and actions.  As an advisor and as a model corporate citizen, we consider client, shareholder, partner, colleague and community needs in all decisions.